HomeServicesGeneral Waste

General Waste

General waste comes from public and private businesses and institutions.

Waste constitutes a large and non-uniform group that contains many different substances and components. The amount of waste is growing and as a result, there are increasing demands on waste sorting, recycling and efficient final disposal.

Waste can be classified and divided in differently, according to its origin or by its nature. The Pollution Control Act divides waste into the following groups:

  • Household waste is waste from private households, including larger objects such as furniture etc.
  • Industrial waste is waste from public and private enterprises and institutions.
  • Hazardous waste is waste that cannot be disposed of with other household or commercial/industrial waste due to its quantity, or because it can cause major pollution and/or can harm to humans or animals


It is the individual owner of the industrial waste who is responsible for ensuring that the waste arrives at a legal treatment reception. Whilst the municipalities are responsible for, and have the exclusive right, to handle household waste.

SAR will collect, perform a further sorting and prepare industrial waste for shipment to the respective recycling depot in Norway or abroad. The aim is to ensure that the maximum amount of waste re-used and recycled.

Waste can be a resource if it can be recycled without excessive costs. Taking good care of this resource is also an important element in reducing the harmful effects.

Read more: WCM - en omfattende løsning for avfallshåndtering.

Examples of industrial waste:

  • Paper of all types, ex Cardstock and cardboard, Drinks cartons etc
  • Soft plastics / Hard plastics
  • Packaging plastics including cling film, energy plastic (unsuitable for material recycling), agricultural wrapping, big-bags, bottles and cans
  • PVC tarpaulin
  • Wood
  • Electrical and Electronic (EE) waste, fridges and freezers, home furnishing whiteware and brownware, telecom and data, transformers, electric motors, light tubes and light bulbs, incandescent bulbs, cables and leads
  • Metals (may be sorted)
  • Glass
  • Steel scrap
  • Garden waste
  • Residual waste
  • Fish-farm cages and pellets delivery pipes, fishing nets
  • Ropes and thread
  • Compacted styrofoam (compacted EPS)